Saturday, March 2, 2013

Death and life in the power of the tongue

Proverbs 18:21 says "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it {for death or life}.

This is such a true statement. We really need to watch what we say for several reasons. See if you agree or disagree with me.

1. Words can effect your mood?
2. Words can hurt people around you?
3. Words can start or end a movement?
4. Words can comfort?
5. Words can change the out come of what you have been praying for?

Words can up lift if they are positive words, but they can effect the outcome of a prayer you are waiting for an answer on if you are praying for something then during around and saying it will never pass. You must speak positive words over your situation.

Words can hurt too. You must be careful what you say about people to others. If you have a problem with a certain race of people make sure that the person you are venting to feels the same way you do. That the person has the same opinion about the other races as you. You could be talking about a something with someone who you assume has those same opinions but totally disagrees with you. For example:

I have a friend who assumes I am a republican. But I am far from it. She is always making crakes about democrat's and the president and assumes I feel the same way. I listen and just say to myself if you only knew who you were talking to. She also makes statements about dating outside your race especially with black people. Again if she only knew who she was talking to. I have been with a black guy for many years. She assumes he is white. Wait till she meets him. She makes the  assumption that because I am a Christian that I am a republican and that I would only date inside my race. She calls herself a Christian but is the most judgmental person I know. She is always pointing out the faults of others and make assumptions on what people think. She calls me her friend and I do try to be one. But has no ideal who I am or what I am about. I am a Christian, I am a democratic and I look at people for who they are and not what race they come from. She needs to take a hard look in the mirror.  One day she will make the wrong assumption about someone and she will get her feelings hurt. The Bibles says that we "Should do un to others as you would have them do un to you" I believe that means treat everyone has your equal.

Words are powerful, use them wisely. Think before you speak. Know the person or group you are talking with.  We are all his Children and we are of a Rainbow.

Just another Life Moments.